Download Installers

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All installers are 64 bit.

windows macos linux docker synology
Windows macOS Linux Docker Synology

Installer Description Instructions
Download Windows desktop Installs as a desktop application. Will not automatically start upon computer restart, requiring the user to login for initiation. Windows desktop instructions
Download Windows service Installs as a system service. Will automatically start upon computer restart without requiring the user to login. Windows service instructions
Download Windows service - silent A manual installer for automated silent deployments typical in enterprises. Installs as a service and survives computer restarts. Windows service silent instructions
Download Windows command line A command line version to run Binfer without installing. Windows command line instructions
Download macOS desktop Installs as a desktop application. Will not automatically start upon computer restart, requiring the user to login for initiation. macOS desktop instructions
Download macOS service Installs as a system service. Will automatically start upon computer restart without requiring the user to login. macOS service instructions
Download macOS command line A command line version to run Binfer. macOS command line instructions
Download Linux service Zip installer. Installs as a service and survives computer restarts. Linux service instructions
Docker - server/client( Installs as a container and survives container restarts. Docker installer & instructions
Synology docker - server/client Installs as a container and survives NAS/container restarts. Synology installer & instructions