Edit Receive Files Job

To edit a job in the RECEIVE module:

  1. Login to the Binfer management console.
  2. Click the RECEIVE module in the left pane.
  3. Click the job to be edited, located in the middle jobs summary section. The selected job view will be displayed.
  4. To copy link, 1. Click on the LINK button. The link will be copied to the system clipboard. 2. Or, select the Link text in the SUMMARY tab with the mouse or keyboard and copy the link. 3. Use the paste function from your mouse or keyboard to paste the link.
  5. To update job settings, click on the OPTIONS tab and set the desired options. Click the SAVE button to apply the changes.
  6. To view the file transfer logs, click on the REPORTS tab. Use the various filters to search for file transfer logs, or use the report download feature to download the report in multiple formats.